DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino

DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino is a product developed by THiNK - e-solutions. It integrates with Notes/Domino at the C-API level.

The DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino works with any HCL Notes/Domino application and does not require any changes to the application itself. It can therefore be setup for any of your applications very quickly (typically between 5 and 10 minutes per applicationJ) to prepare for the export and see first results.

DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino is available as a standalone product, but it can easily be integrated into other products (e.g. see migration-center Scanner for HCL Notes/Domino) and customized, too.


has built-in functionality to:

  • Create reports (statistical information) about the internals of an HCL Notes/Domino application and
  • extract documents (metadata) and attachments from such applications.

The reports generated by DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino contain detailed information about the forms used, the forms’ fields, the field’s types and the data stored in the fields (e.g. minimum length, maximum length etc.). This kind of information is often required to establish a solid understanding of what the requirements for integration or migration and archiving are.

The product’s core task is to extract documents, their metadata as well as any attachments (incl. OLE objects) they may contain and store them for further processing.

Document extraction

Documents can be extracted in:

  • Domino XML (DXL),
  • Internet Message Format (EML),
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) and
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HtML).

If required, e.g. for regulatory or legal reasons, documents can be transformed to PDF or PDF/A on the fly using PDF Generation Module.

Metadata (HCL Notes/Domino field data) are extracted in their native format. richtext fields (e.g. the body of an e-mail) can be exported to separate richtext files (RTF format) which can then directly be edited in Apache OpenOffice Writer, LibreOffice Writer or Microsoft Word and the like.

Attachment extraction

DataExtractor for HCL Notes/Domino is capable of extracting standard attachments as well as files that have been embedded into a document using Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology.

Regardless of the method used for linking a file to a document, attachments will be extracted in their native format (e.g. Word, Excel, PDF etc.).